Python for Beginners - Python pour Débutants
This is the introductory course for Python for Beginners.  Please start here if you have no experience coding in Python.  This course is self-paced; you can proceed through the course, but need to complete each unit before moving on to the next unit. You can enroll yourself in this class using the following enrollment key: tekzonepython101
Cost: FREE -Â Â Time: 90 minutes
What you will learn:
- Printing on the screen
- Strings and variables
- Integers and floats
- Conditionals
- Loops
- Lists
- Dictionaries
- Functions
- User Input
Python Challenge1 - Challenge Python 1
This challenge-style course is the next step in your development as a Python programmer. This course is designed for beginners who just completed the Python for Beginners course and are looking to put their newfound skills to use. The course is a series of challenges that you and others will form groups to tackle. If you have not yet completed the course Python for Beginner and you are new to Python, then go complete that course first then come signup for this one. Upon completing all the challenges successfully, you'd be ready for the next step. Here is what you'll get to do with a lot of fun:
- Challenge 1: Create a "Guess the Number" game with multi-player capability
- Challenge 2: Create a rock-paper-scissor game with multip-player capability
- Challenge 3: Create a Cypher to encrypt and decrypt messages
- Challenge 4: Create a password generator
Pre-requisite: Python for Beginners Course
Use the following enrollment key:Â Â tekzonepythonchallenge1
Python Intermediate - Python Intermédiaire
This course builds on the basics of Python knowledge acquired in Python 101 course for Python for Beginners. If you have no experience with Python, we recommend that you start with Python 101 first then take this course. This course is self-paced; you can proceed through the course, but need to complete each unit before moving on to the next unit.
To enroll yourself in this class, follow this link:Â
You can also enroll using the following enrollment key:Â tekzonepython102
Prerequisite: Python 101
Cost: FREE
Time: 180 - 420 minutes
What you will learn:
- Python basics review
- Data types
- Operations
- Program flow control
- Functions
- Classes
- File input/output
- Capstone project - Put it all together
- Next steps - what is your next step to put your skills to use or continue to build your Python skills?
- Course certificate
Scratch Programming 101 (FREE)
This course is  designed for students aged 8 -12 years old. There are a series of tutorials to follow, leading to a good grounding, not only in how to use Scratch, but a number of specific programming concepts as well. You can enroll in this course using the following key: tekzonescratch101
Curriculum Vitae (CV)
A Resume is one of the most important document in your career. By the end of this course, you will have created powerful resume and thirty-second commercial that'll use to communicate your capabilities to the marketplace. It's usually the first impression your future employers or business associate will have of you. Writting a great resume can be time consuming and stressful. This course will make that process easier for you.Â
Cost - Free
Time - 2 hoursÂ
Deliverables: a completed Resume & personal 30 second commercialÂ
TekZone Leadership Development Program
At TekZone, we believe that Africa will be lifted into the status of a world leader through its dynamic, innovative and entrepreneurial youth. This program is designed to help young Africans turn these qualities into tangible results. This is achieved through the following 3 steps:
- Step 1: set a SMART 2-year goal with measurable impact.
- Step 2: create a precise development plan with milestones and assign an experienced accountability mentor to help ensure we remain on track.
- Step 3: execute on the development plan through a variety of activities including courses, assignments, discussions, events, book groups and others. This includes the possibility of a 1-week trip to the USA for further development.
TekZone Academy Leadership Fitness Test
This course will leverage a series of tests to measure your aptitude to lead others. At the end of this course, we will provide you with a comprehensive assessment of your leadership aptitude as well as some recommendations to continue to build your leadership skills.
Time investment: 5 hours
Prerequisites: None
TekZone Mentorship Guide
This course is designed to onboard TekZone mentors onto TekZone mentorship platform as well as expectations. The course covers the following:
- Overview of the TekZone Academy Platform
- Mentorship expectations
5 golden rules to building long lasting wealth
In this course, I will share with you some little known secrets about handling money that changed my financial situation. Just like it did for me, the course will challenge you to make some real changes in how you handle your finances. This is not a quick fix. This course lays out steps that you will need to take over time to guarantee a better financial future for yourself and your family.
Here is what you will accomplish after completing the course:
First, you’ll know how to live within your means and create financial stability for your family. This includes the following four abilities:
You’ll be able to reduce or eliminate any debt you may haveÂ
You’ll know how to create and keep a budget so the money you earn go towards what you need
You’ll be able to sustain savings habits that give you and your family financial security
Second you’ll know how to make your money work for you. This is important because money loses value over time. Therefore, you have to invest just to keep up. But if you must invest, why not invest in a way that you can make your money grow? We will show you how.Â
Lastly, you will know how to plan for your future and your family’s future. We will show you how to create a sustained stream of income for your kids and their kids.
TekZone Robotics: Introduction to Robotics-New
A la fin de ce cours, vous aurez:
- Construit votre propre robot. un simple rover ou un petit drone qui peut suivre les instructions
- Acquis les connaissances nécessaires pour comprendre les principes de base de fonctionnement des robots, y compris les robots industriels tels que les bras robotiques.
- Utilisé et à appliqué les éléments suivants:
- Capteurs (température, proximité, …)
- Actionneurs (moteurs, LED, haut-parleurs, …)
- Unités de traitement et de contrôle (Beaglebone Black avec LabVIEW)
- Mise en œuvre d’algorithmes discrets de contrôle PID
- Testé pour la certification LabVIEW Certified Associate Developer (CLAD) valeur de 100 $).
- Construit une connaissance pratique de la conception assistée par ordinateur (CAO) et créé un modèle 3D d’un robot
- Construit une connaissance pratique de la conception et de la soudure des circuits, y compris la construction de votre propre circuit.
- Participé dans le défi de Robotics de TekZone
Programmer les calculateurs de robots avec l'automatique
Ce Cours est destiné a donner aux étudiants aspirants a une carrière dans la robotique ou des systèmes embarqués des outils de programmation d'équipements robotiques.
Au terme de cette formation vous serez capable de:
-Reconstruire les états a partir d'un système d'acquisition
-Synthétiser des correcteurs numériques
-Embarquer des modèles de commande numériques dans un microcontroleur
Avec tous ces outils vous allez realiser de vous meme réaliser les 3 projets du cours grace au matériel Lego EV3